Tuesday, June 21, 2005

POST 5--From now on this document has the conclusions of the Author!,which may not have historical credibility!,but the organizations ,sects and events depicted are historical--I just have placed pieces of a jig-saw puzzle together!
We shall now go back 2000+ years back and try to visualize the time Jesus Christ lived.It is a historical fact that a man named JEsus lived. Jesus Christ was a Jew,so we search for the history of jews at the time of Christ.We now visualize the strict relegious practices of the jews,their beliefs and customs and those that were against some evil customs
I give you three words describing some revolutionary thoughts of those days which may bring some light to Jesus and his teachings
What conclusions I made from this is that Jesus would have belonged to the Nazirite or essene school of thought ,but he was a great thinker for himself and along with condemning such relegious practices as Animal Sacrifices, he also condemned practices of the Nazirites.Since these people led an Ascetic life ,it is probable that Jesus did not marry ,but he had many female followers including many protistutes ,who were all condemned by probably all of the jewish community,but his teachings of love attracted them all as those mesmerizing words continue to do ,till now .What may have left out by the early chuch was some of the teachings of jesus which they thought was irrelevant like respect towards all forms of life.which the early jewish followers had taken for granted since He belonged to such relegious sects as the essenes.So Jesus was a strict vegeterian and he condemned killing in all forms,but shortly after jesus's death there was a jewish revolution where the pharisees dominated ,clouding many of jesus's ways of life with Orthodox jewish practices ,what the dead sea scrolls may point to is how jesus lived ,the sources of jesus's radical thoughts and the fact that christianity demands veganism/vegeterianism.Well some of these ideas have revived and now I present to you a modern esoteric(less known) Christian movement which revives the principles and life of jesus
The Nazarenes of Mount Carmel
The nazarene way


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