Tuesday, June 21, 2005


the below one is the last post!!! ,do read from post 1
POST 6--Jesus Christ was a revolutionary thinker,the most influential man in history and his teachings and love are the real Sophia.In his words one can see the pure undiluted love,And he respected and loved all forms of life a fact that we ignore,there is also speculation that some of essene teachings are influenced by buddhism,but as music everywhwere has seven notes!, all revolutionaries respected life and thus the lineage towards vegeterianism by buddha ,mahavira,the essenes. the indian sanyasis etc.Well it is intresting to note that in kerala,India, a place isolated from the Early roman influences and one of the earliest places to adopt christianity the Christians are still called Nazranis ,maybe because the early christians were nazerenes or essene who followed the essene ways of Jesus.
So I call upon all people in the world,to be the followers of Christ, to understand the life of christ ,feel the divinity of his teachings and Realize pure love!!!. And understand that along with the teachings of christ in the BIBLE(which mainly concerns the soul).He did advocate for respecting all forms of life.So be a member of
'Christian Vegeterian Association'--and spread the Gospel(good news)
POST 5--From now on this document has the conclusions of the Author!,which may not have historical credibility!,but the organizations ,sects and events depicted are historical--I just have placed pieces of a jig-saw puzzle together!
We shall now go back 2000+ years back and try to visualize the time Jesus Christ lived.It is a historical fact that a man named JEsus lived. Jesus Christ was a Jew,so we search for the history of jews at the time of Christ.We now visualize the strict relegious practices of the jews,their beliefs and customs and those that were against some evil customs
I give you three words describing some revolutionary thoughts of those days which may bring some light to Jesus and his teachings
What conclusions I made from this is that Jesus would have belonged to the Nazirite or essene school of thought ,but he was a great thinker for himself and along with condemning such relegious practices as Animal Sacrifices, he also condemned practices of the Nazirites.Since these people led an Ascetic life ,it is probable that Jesus did not marry ,but he had many female followers including many protistutes ,who were all condemned by probably all of the jewish community,but his teachings of love attracted them all as those mesmerizing words continue to do ,till now .What may have left out by the early chuch was some of the teachings of jesus which they thought was irrelevant like respect towards all forms of life.which the early jewish followers had taken for granted since He belonged to such relegious sects as the essenes.So Jesus was a strict vegeterian and he condemned killing in all forms,but shortly after jesus's death there was a jewish revolution where the pharisees dominated ,clouding many of jesus's ways of life with Orthodox jewish practices ,what the dead sea scrolls may point to is how jesus lived ,the sources of jesus's radical thoughts and the fact that christianity demands veganism/vegeterianism.Well some of these ideas have revived and now I present to you a modern esoteric(less known) Christian movement which revives the principles and life of jesus
The Nazarenes of Mount Carmel
The nazarene way
POST 4--Da Vinci Code also have some historical facts described in it,which are largely clouded by the 'priory-of-sion' for any casual reader to notice it,noteworthy ones are
1)A roman emporer called Constantine the greats official adoption of Christianity,which helped to a large extent the spread of Christianity
2)The Councial of Nicaea ,in which the nature of Jesus was determined through votes!!-there was an opposing faction (Arianism).The Holy trinity as we know it today was accepted then!,and some of the Christian festivals like easter's date was also fixed
3)Well this is a modern finding!--It is the finding of 'Dead Sea Scrolls' in the 20th century-it was a hidden document ina cave--Da Vinci code claims it has passages saying the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdaline and some passeges showing the hatred of Saint peter to Magdaline --its actual truth is that theres no teaching of Jesus in it but it is a Hebrew bible Hidden!!-the reasons for which we will ponder later
4)Another historical fact is the Nag Hammadai Library-a hidden library unearthed in Egypt containing many christian important writings--it is said to contain the Gospel of Thomas --the secret sayings of Jesus!!!!

So what is it that were hidden by the ancient church!? Is there any truth in the claims of Da Vinci?

Sunday, June 19, 2005

POST 3--Inoder to bring the real picture to light -Let me tell you first that Dan Browns book is pure fiction!.What he wanted was readers and to tell you the fact ,he achieved it-Da Vinci code is the fiction that sold the highest number of copies,till date.To immerse a reader in his book ,he included a page called FACTS! in his work of pure fiction where he alleges the truth of two things
The first of which is a harmless fact,which tells the existance of Opus Dei,a catholic organization and their relegious practices (who cares!!!!!)
The second FACT!! is the foundation of his novel-He claims the existance of a secret organization called 'priory-of-sion'and of its alleged Grand Masters-Well,if that was indeed a fact then his book would have had some historical importance.
But fortunately or unfortunately -that is a hoax and since we cannot question a mans right to speech,his ideas have now reached millions of readers

The Holy Blood,Holy Grail
The Da Vinci Code

What is this 'Priory of sion'?--I give you two references to the 'priory of sion' which will undoubtedly reveal its fakeness
The priory of sion
So there is no point in believing Dan Brown,Let me add as a fiction Da Vinci code is very thrilling to read!
POST 2--I began this reserch inoder to find the truth behind Dan Browns bestselling 'The Da Vinci Code'.what infos i came upon was truly illuminating.So this blog starts with finding the truth behind 'Da Vinci Code ' and ends with some conclusions by the author himself .
The story starts with the First Crusade Warwhich is said to have started inoder to protect christian piligrims visiting the Holy land of Jerusalem from Muslims .The Knights Templar is the largest, and most powerful of the Christian military orders, the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, widely known as the Knights Templar, was founded in 1118, in the aftermath of the First Crusade, to help the new Kingdom of Jerusalem maintain itself against its hostile Muslim neighbors, and to ensure the safety of the large numbers of European pilgrims who flowed towards Jerusalem after its conquest.'The oder of ZION' was an oder of this knights. On October 13 (the unlucky Friday the 13th), 1307, all the Knights Templar in France were simultaneously arrested by agents of Philip the Fair (Philippe le Bel), to later be tortured into admitting heresy in the Order. (Some believe this act to be the origin of superstition regarding Friday the 13th.) .The Knights were killed endind The Knights Templar.
Dan Brown in Da Vinci Code claims that the crusade wars,the knights templar, were all formed for another reason.Combined with the myth of The Holy Grail claims that,the real reason behind these is to protect a secret--That Jesus Christ was married to Mary Magdaline,a biblical figure and he has a daughter named sarah and an entire bloodline!.The book a little lineant towards paganismclaims of the early church denying the female power or nature!.Further he claims that the massacre of the knights was an act done to destroy the secrets,because it may prove fatal to the catholic church
According to him,the secrets are not destroyed!,but is guarded to the present day by the 'priory-of-sion',a secret organization which may be related to the present day 'oder-of-zion' and it also has a list of grandmasters(like the knights templar)which includes such famous personalities as Sir Issac Newton and Leonardo Da Vinci
POST 1--The word S O P H I A means wisdom in Greek, and according to Gnosticism, The Messiah (the savior) (Christos) comes and lets her(Sophia) see the light again, bringing her knowledge of the spirit (Greek: pneuma, πνεῦμα). Christ is thus sent to earth in the form of the man Jesus to give men the gnosis needed to rescue themselves from the physical world and return to spiritual world.
So What is the real Sophia?. The real Sophia is given to man not in any physical form,but as the word and teachings of Jesus Christ.The Sophia therefore rests in The Holy BIBLE

"Blessed are the poor in spirit,for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven"
"Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God"

A human who feels the bliss of these words posesses the real Sophia
Myself being a lesser human goes in search of a non-existant messiah even while the the real messiah always was there infront of me........Join me in this futile tour

Note:I am highly indebted to WIKIPEDIA(the online free content encyclopedia) which helped me in the research for this project.This blog in-part also has a mission to reveal the true power of WIKI.
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The views expressed by the author are his own and is not authoritative ,or considered as a historical document