Tuesday, June 21, 2005

POST 4--Da Vinci Code also have some historical facts described in it,which are largely clouded by the 'priory-of-sion' for any casual reader to notice it,noteworthy ones are
1)A roman emporer called Constantine the greats official adoption of Christianity,which helped to a large extent the spread of Christianity
2)The Councial of Nicaea ,in which the nature of Jesus was determined through votes!!-there was an opposing faction (Arianism).The Holy trinity as we know it today was accepted then!,and some of the Christian festivals like easter's date was also fixed
3)Well this is a modern finding!--It is the finding of 'Dead Sea Scrolls' in the 20th century-it was a hidden document ina cave--Da Vinci code claims it has passages saying the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdaline and some passeges showing the hatred of Saint peter to Magdaline --its actual truth is that theres no teaching of Jesus in it but it is a Hebrew bible Hidden!!-the reasons for which we will ponder later
4)Another historical fact is the Nag Hammadai Library-a hidden library unearthed in Egypt containing many christian important writings--it is said to contain the Gospel of Thomas --the secret sayings of Jesus!!!!

So what is it that were hidden by the ancient church!? Is there any truth in the claims of Da Vinci?


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